Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Happy September, Welcome Fall

I feel it already--that delightful chill in the morning air. Fall is almost here. And what a great summer it has been . . . Eric and I spent so much time outside, and on our bikes. I have to say, this was probably the most exercise I've gotten in YEARS. And I've been feeling so great . . . I might be inspired to not only purchase a gym membership to get me through winter, but actually use it. In previous years, I can't say they've ever been good for anything other than making me feel bad that I'm home on the couch instead of on the elliptical. We'll see . . . I'm still kicking that one around.

We spent Labor Day weekend at Eric's Mom's cabin in Idaho and it was beautiful. We even brought Dino, who was in his glory for 3 full days. The weather was just perfect. We went fishing, we saw a great little play at the local theater called, "Let's Murder Marsha,"and I finished my book. I've been reading, Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens, and I basically can't say enough about it.

My sister and Chris went to Niagra Falls with their friends and had a great time too--I'd write in more detail, but hey, this is The Dyer Enquirer . . . not the Coddington Chronicals. (Oh gees . . . I had to, okay?)

On that note--I'm going to wish you all a Happy Autumn, and lots of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

NJ Family Time

I love my family . . . and I have loved every moment of the past four days. Well, except this morning, when I dropped them off at the airport to fly home to New Jersey. See, on Sunday night my Mom, Dad, sister Lauren, and her husband Chris all came out for a visit. And Eric and I had THE BEST time with them. I mean, yeah, they're family and they're awesome, but I feel a bit beside myself by just how much happiness this visit brought to us all. I talked to my wonderful friend Leigh about it this morning . . . (about how I was basically sobbing like a baby from the airport back to my house). I was a little confused by how much sadness I felt from their leaving. Mostly because I go out to NJ all the time, (at least four times a year) and I'm hardly ever teary when I leave. I just know that that's part of the deal for right now. I've accepted it, and I've embraced my home in Salt Lake. Okay, so back to my talk with Leigh. She figured that it's probably because when I go out to NJ, I know life there--I know what's waiting for me, and I know what I'll do, etc. But having my sweet little family out here all together for the first time ever was a taste of what it could be like. It's like not knowing that somethings missing, not knowing to be lonely for something until you've experienced what life would be like with it.

Some of my favorite memories from the past four days would include us all making dinner in the new kitchen. All six of us . . . Eric grilled up the steaks, Chris made corn on the cob, my Mom and Dad made this fresh, delicious salad, I made artichoke and feta pasta, and my sister made this yummy dessert that was made of coconut, chocolate chips, pecans, and graham crackers. It all went on the table with a loaf of Italian bread. It was such a great meal, and such a great time.
Another great one was all of us going horse back riding at Snowbird. That was so fun! My horse's name was Willy, and my sister's horse was Mini. Strange thing about Mini was she has HUGE gas that day . . . cracked me up to the point I was afraid I was going to wet my pants.
I could go on and on . . we just had fun everywhere. We went to Spencer's for dinner one night and had a ball, (and a lot of red meat). I highly recommend the prime rib, and the dirty vodka martini.
And Lamb's--did you guys know that that's the oldest restaurant in SLC? Yup. Opened in 1919. Do you want to know how I know this? I learned it from the HORSE DRAWN CARRIAGE tour we took around the downtown area after dinner that night. Here's us right before we went in the next morning for one of the best breakfasts I think I've ever had . . . could it have been the homemade sausage?
Here's us goofing off at Trolley Square in the Banana Republic. Hats are FUN. Alright, so like I said--I really could go on for quite a while. I'll close by saying that I feel extremely blessed. I just can't even express how much joy I have felt in my lifetime because of the family that I grew up in. Having Eric, and now Chris being official additions has made it even better. I love you all so much.

Thursday, July 24, 2008


Today is Thursday, and thanks to living in Utah, I'm writing this post from the comfort of my family room at 9 a.m. in the morning, (for my family and friends in NJ--this is possible because today is Utah's Independence Day, and everybody has off from work). Sweet.
I can't believe it's already July 24th! Two weekends ago Teri, Mike, Sabrina, and Annika spent some time here in SLC with us--it was so fun. Here's a great picture of Ethan and Niko with the girls up in Snowbird. That was such a fun day.
And now the countdown starts for my Mom, Dad, Lauren, and Chris to get out here--August 11 is when they arrive.
I also have to post this great picture of Niko--he's painting a rock here in our front yard while Eric mows the lawn. Niko just turned 7, and just lost his two front teeth. Very handsome!
Eric comes home tonight from his sales meeting in Orlando--it sounds like it was a great meeting. He got an award for "most innovative marketing initiatives," way to go baby! I realize that by posting this on our blog, I'm running the risk of embarassing him . . . but I think he'll get over it. (xoxoxo).

The boys are here now--they're awake and ready to start the day. We have some fun things on the agenda . . . we're going to get Ethan a new haircut. He wants something called a "faux hawk." I'll post a picture so that you can see what that ends up looking like. We'll also be taking a trip to R.E I. Dino (our dog) felt pretty strongly that Eric needed new sunglasses. I know this because he chewed them up into pieces the other night . . . sweet, thoughtful boy! Sheesh.
So after that, we'll grab some things at the market for a nice dinner . . . steak for the boys, fish for E and I, and some fresh corn on the cob. Yum. Okay--love you all, and hope you're enjoying the summertime.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Biker Chick?

Okay--so here's the thing. Before I met Eric, I was your basic East Coast inhabitant . . . didn't exercise all that much, and didn't really care to. Exercise was spending the day walking from store to store at the mall . . . and that was JUST FINE. Anyway, back to Eric. We started dating, and I realize that he's all into eating right, and biking, and running, and skiing . . . and golf? Yikes . . . I didn't really do any of that. But the longer we were together, I realized how very much fun it was to try all the stuff he was into, and what a good sport he was whenever it came to anything I wanted to do, (i.e. going shopping for purses, shoes, and make-up, enjoying a good chick-flick, etc.). And I found out that there are so many things that I enjoy that had he not brought them into my life, I'm not sure I would have found them so easily.

Take running for example--4 1/2 years ago, Eric helped me train for a half marathon, and I LOVED IT. I felt such a sense of accomplishment afterwards, it was so great.

And golf too! I like getting out there for 9 holes whenever I can. I have a set of clubs that are made out of graphite, and there so great to hit the ball with.

And biking . . . Eric started to build a bike for me before he got hurt, and finished it as he was healing. This bike has just meant so much to me. First because he chose all of the components to fit someone my size, but secondly because it gave him a sense of accomplishment when so much was difficult in his life. He would get so happy when another part would get here, and he'd be able to make more progress on it. It kept his mind busy, and it enabled him to feel like he was still himself in the midst of such uncertainty. Here's a picture:
Adorable, huh? I love it. I enjoy riding like I never thought I would. And it's absolutely amazing how fast hills become easier to climb, and you become faster. Very cool.
All that being said--I loathe skiing. I suppose I thought that after I lived here in Utah, that I would magically pick it up or something . . . that it was in the air here, because a bunch of you Utah folks can't seem to get enough. I've tried lessons, I've tried being open minded--and it's just not for me. I don't feel too bad about it though . . . I can still enjoy the hot chocolate and cheese burger at the lodge!

Happy Birthday Niko!

Niko turned 7 on May 21--I'll post a picture as soon as I can connect to our hard drive.

It's Official--Chris Coddington is in the HOUSE

Hi guys! I have so much to update you on--I'll start with the biggest news, and work my way through. SO! My little sister Lauren and her fiance Chris got married on May 24, in Flanders NJ. It was AWESOME. They've been dating for 8 years, and are just adorable.
Eric and I were both in the wedding, and we had such a great time. Like most weddings, I felt like it went by too fast . . . I didn't want it to end. I guess I got over it though, because I fell asleep on Eric's lap in the back of my Dad's car right after we left.
Anyway---Chris, Lauren, we love you guys. There has never been any doubt in our minds that you two will have a beautiful, happy, marriage. You've always been exactly what the other person has needed, and I know you'll continue to be just that.

Monday, April 21, 2008

The Turning Point

Guys . . . I just had to share the good news. This past weekend was huge for E. He had what he could only describe as "the turning point" in his recovery. On Sunday morning, he woke up and felt GREAT. Hardly any pain in his arm, wrist, or hand--and no need to take any medication for pain relief. The combination of the two meant that he was able to enjoy the first day since Easter without pain from his accident, or nausea from his medicine. We spent the whole day with the boys. It was sunny here with quite a chill in the air, so we went out to lunch and even to the park. It was just a really good day.

And today was great too--to celebrate 6 months as Mr. and Mrs. Dyer we went out to our favorite sushi restaurant, (Tsunami) and then to see 27 Dresses. Not bad, and totally got me in the mood for my sister's wedding coming up next month. (Note from Eric: Actually I have a different review of 27 Dresses. "Not good").

Very funny--I'll remember that the next time I find myself hiding behind a bag of popcorn while he's enjoying the next horror installment from Japan . . . in the meantime, I'll be grateful that Eric's back in both good health and quick wit.

6 Whole Months of Wedded Bliss

Do you guys know what today is? Yup. Exactly . . . today, Eric and I have been married for exactly six months. Happy Anniversary!!

Whoa. It's 11:56 p.m. I better post this, so that it chimes in as 4/21 and not 4/22 . . . that would sure be a travesty.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

A Quick Update . . .

Hi guys--just wanted to let you know that Eric is doing really well. He had his first physical therapy appointment on Monday. In addition to giving him some exercises to do at home, they changed the dressing on his injury, and I'm happy to report that he's now sporting a fabulous all-black splint, (with matching black velcro straps). It's much more comfortable for him, and it's just plain cool. You should see how they made it! They took this soft, moist, black material out of a sunken heated storage unit in the counter and layed it over Eric's arm. They wanted his fingers at 30 degrees . . . so the physical therapist gently molded it over his hand, wrist, and arm until it hardened. At that point, they trimmed it so it only covered the top of him and added the velcro so it stays put. It's just the neatest thing . . . I'll post a picture soon.

And today is his first day back. He'll be going in for a half day, and taking it easy. Good Luck Sweetie!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

Eric on the Mend

Boy oh boy . . . what a week.

As most of you know, Eric had an accident with an angle grinder while he was finishing up the demolition on the kitchen on Sunday night. He's on the mend right now, thanks to a great surgeon named Charlie Sullivan. Here's a picture:

He came highly recommended, and really took his time with Eric before the operation on Wednesday. Here's a picture of E before he got put back together:

He was in surgery for 2 hours, and Dr. Sullivan came out with the following news. After a full exploration of his injury, he discovered that Eric completely lacerated 4 tendons, (these were fully repaired), partially lacerated 3, (the first one was repaired to 75% of is original functionality, the second was repaired to 90% functionality, and the third was repaired to 50% of its functionality--which he quickly mentioned was okay, because there were two other tendons that could do the same job.

As for his nerves, he completely lacerated 2. He has numbness on the front of his first finger and thumb, and may or may not regain sensation--but has full mobility and use.

Here's Eric this morning:

On the road to recovery . . . I'll keep you all posted as to how things are going. The boys will be over today for the first time since the accident, and that'll be good for Eric to see them.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

A weekend, a bridal shower and a demolished kitchen

I just got home last night from a nice long weekend spent in NJ with my Mom, Dad, sister, and soon-to-be brother-in-law. I had a GREAT time. Not that I ever need a reason to go home to spend time with family, but this past trip out was mainly to throw my sister her wedding shower . . . here's a picture of me and the other maids--they were awesome.

And here's my cute sister Lauren in her little hat made from all the bows off of all the gifts she got. She's awesome too.
Getting back to Salt Lake last night, and work this morning was easier then I thought it would be. It's so funny how quickly we fall back into our grooves.
Well, with the exception of walking into our kitchen . . . I think I told you all about our kitchen remodel we've been planning . . . and now it's REAL. Real, as in--we have no cabinets, and there's a nice, thick, protective coating of plaster dust on pretty much ever piece of furniture in our house. I have to make light of this situation starting now because Eric and I have both heard horror stories about how maddening having work done on your house can be. Nope. Not going to get to us though--all we see are granite counter tops, and brand new maple cabinets stained with a sweet mocha glaze. Yum.
I'll keep you all posted . . .

Monday, March 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Teri!

Happy Birthday to you T--Love from Eric, Lisa, Ethan, and Niko.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Here's Us.

As of October 21, 2007--Eric and Lisa Dyer.

So, one thing I love about Eric is his many interests and hobbies. One of his major loves is working in the garage . . .

Happy Birthday Lauren!

Today is my sister's 25th birthday. Happy Birthday Lauren! I wish I were there to give you a big hug and a happy birthday kiss on your cute little cheek. I'll be home soon though, so I'll save it for then.

Who Knew?

I have to say . . . I never thought I'd be getting in the blogspot line--but all of a sudden, I got inspired. I work with this cute girl named Leena who just had twins about a year ago, and posts all kinds of adorable stuff on her blog. Videos, pictures, and just a continuous narrative of how life is going. What could be more fantastic for people who don't get to see their families as often as they'd like because they live out of state? (I heard the music in my head as I received my brilliant epiphany) . . . my thought is that Eric and I will just write to you all whenever we have something neat to share. As of right now, the suspense is killing me and I have to see what my options are for choosing layouts and picking settings. This is like a new toy!