I feel it already--that delightful chill in the morning air. Fall is almost here. And what a great summer it has been . . . Eric and I spent so much time outside, and on our bikes. I have to say, this was probably the most exercise I've gotten in YEARS. And I've been feeling so great . . . I might be inspired to not only purchase a gym membership to get me through winter, but actually use it. In previous years, I can't say they've ever been good for anything other than making me feel bad that I'm home on the couch instead of on the elliptical. We'll see . . . I'm still kicking that one around.
We spent Labor Day weekend at Eric's Mom's cabin in Idaho and it was beautiful. We even brought Dino, who was in his glory for 3 full days. The weather was just perfect. We went fishing, we saw a great little play at the local theater called, "Let's Murder Marsha,"and I finished my book. I've been reading, Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens, and I basically can't say enough about it.
My sister and Chris went to Niagra Falls with their friends and had a great time too--I'd write in more detail, but hey, this is The Dyer Enquirer . . . not the Coddington Chronicals. (Oh gees . . . I had to, okay?)
On that note--I'm going to wish you all a Happy Autumn, and lots of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
Grow Your Mindset
5 years ago
Oh, I LOVE pumpkin chocolate chip cookies!! Now ya made me want one, girl! I love Fall. I wish we could do away with winter and summer and just have spring and fall one right after the other. How cool would that be?!
There are so many amazing things about fall! It's the perfect time to get outside and exercise too because of the gorgeous cool air! Gym memberships are like friends that you fall in and out of touch with lol...but they do provide a touch of security that you always have the opportunity to get and stay in shape! I know, it's sad. Bring on the fall, the pumpkin cookes, chill in the air and holiday decor. It's a lovely time of year!!
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