I feel it already--that delightful chill in the morning air. Fall is almost here. And what a great summer it has been . . . Eric and I spent so much time outside, and on our bikes. I have to say, this was probably the most exercise I've gotten in YEARS. And I've been feeling so great . . . I might be inspired to not only purchase a gym membership to get me through winter, but actually use it. In previous years, I can't say they've ever been good for anything other than making me feel bad that I'm home on the couch instead of on the elliptical. We'll see . . . I'm still kicking that one around.
We spent Labor Day weekend at Eric's Mom's cabin in Idaho and it was beautiful. We even brought Dino, who was in his glory for 3 full days. The weather was just perfect. We went fishing, we saw a great little play at the local theater called, "Let's Murder Marsha,"and I finished my book. I've been reading, Rush Home Road by Lori Lansens, and I basically can't say enough about it.
My sister and Chris went to Niagra Falls with their friends and had a great time too--I'd write in more detail, but hey, this is The Dyer Enquirer . . . not the Coddington Chronicals. (Oh gees . . . I had to, okay?)
On that note--I'm going to wish you all a Happy Autumn, and lots of pumpkin chocolate chip cookies.
Grow Your Mindset
5 years ago