Today is Thursday, and thanks to living in Utah, I'm writing this post from the comfort of my family room at 9 a.m. in the morning, (for my family and friends in NJ--this is possible because today is Utah's Independence Day, and everybody has off from work). Sweet.
I can't believe it's already July 24th! Two weekends ago Teri, Mike, Sabrina, and Annika spent some time here in SLC with us--it was so fun. Here's a great picture of Ethan and Niko with the girls up in Snowbird. That was such a fun day.
I also have to post this great picture of Niko--he's painting a rock here in our front yard while Eric mows the lawn. Niko just turned 7, and just lost his two front teeth. Very handsome!
The boys are here now--they're awake and ready to start the day. We have some fun things on the agenda . . . we're going to get Ethan a new haircut. He wants something called a "faux hawk." I'll post a picture so that you can see what that ends up looking like. We'll also be taking a trip to R.E I. Dino (our dog) felt pretty strongly that Eric needed new sunglasses. I know this because he chewed them up into pieces the other night . . . sweet, thoughtful boy! Sheesh.
So after that, we'll grab some things at the market for a nice dinner . . . steak for the boys, fish for E and I, and some fresh corn on the cob. Yum. Okay--love you all, and hope you're enjoying the summertime.